
10DLC Compliance


10DLC (10-Digit Long Code) compliance refers to adhering to regulations governing the use of 10-digit phone numbers for Application-to-Person (A2P) messaging. These regulations are set by mobile carriers and enforced by Direct Connect Aggregators (DCAs) to ensure proper use of A2P messaging channels for commercial purposes.

To achieve 10DLC compliance, businesses must review the guidelines set by CTIA and work closely with their Connectivity Partner (CNP) to prepare for registration. Then, they will  register their Brands and messaging Campaigns through The Campaign Registry (TCR). This process involves providing details about the Brand and messaging use cases, along with sample messages to ensure transparency and adherence to rules including privacy policies, opt-in/opt-out language, and frequency disclosures.

Recent compliance requirements include:

Valid Privacy Policy

A privacy policy is a critical component for 10DLC compliance, as it outlines how a business collects, stores, and uses personal data. As of 2023, this is a mandatory requirement when registering Campaigns.

The privacy policy must be accessible on the company’s website and detail any data sharing practices. Specifically, businesses must clarify whether they share customer data with third parties for marketing purposes.

Opt-in Disclosures

When collecting consent for A2P messaging, businesses must clearly communicate how often customers can expect to receive messages. This information should be included in the opt-in message, either as a specific number or a general statement like "Message frequency depends on your activity."

Additionally, the opt-in process must provide customers with transparent consent options, indicating that they are agreeing to receive messages and any associated data rates that may apply.

Clear Opt-Out Messaging & Contact Information

Businesses must also provide customers with a straightforward opt-out process to maintain 10DLC compliance. This includes clear instructions within each message on how users can stop receiving communications, often by replying with keywords like "STOP."

In addition to opt-out language, businesses must also provide contact information, such as a customer support number or website, in case recipients need further assistance.

Avoidance of Drift Content

Drift content refers to the practice of sending messages that no longer align with the original intent of the approved Campaign.

For example, a Campaign approved for transactional messaging, such as appointment reminders, should not later be used for promotional marketing without proper re-registration.

Companies must ensure that if their messaging needs evolve, they either modify their Campaign appropriately or register a new Campaign to avoid being flagged for non-compliance.