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Blog Post
March 13, 2025

API Migration Misconceptions in A2P 10DLC Explained

Written By:
Lauren Spinelli

Quick Highlights:

  • Migrating or re-creating 10DLC Campaigns can be a 100% automated process using TCR APIs, no manual work needed from your team.
  • Whether you’re paying a re-vet fee to resubmit a rejected Campaign or you’re paying the re-vet fee to switch providers – it’s the same cost.
  • Telgorithm can guide your team on the automated resources available that make switching providers easy with no downtime, and limited time and resources needed from your team. Because we are in the business of APIs, nothing is manual. Read on! 

When contemplating making a switch and evaluating a new messaging API provider, there are many stakeholders on a software team that need to be involved, each with their own concerns or reservations. 

Customer Success and CX team members are often the first to start feeling the effects of needing to make a change with customer complaints and support tickets piling up. 

Business leaders then start to see the trickle down effects of impacts to revenue and churn. These are often the team members that take the first step in exploring new providers. 

While Product Managers and Engineers recognize the issues surrounding working with an existing API vendor, the product roadmap may have competing priorities, and technical groups may believe that switching API providers will jeopardize other roadmap projects.

There are many valid reasons teams are hesitant to migrate messaging API providers, but there are also many misconceptions when it comes to making the switch. We clarify all of this below so you have the resources needed to get your full team on board and your team can make the most informed decisions when it comes to your 10DLC service. 

Why Businesses Hesitate to Switch Messaging APIs

Based on the stakeholder groups mentioned above, the common reasons/questions not to migrate to another 10DLC API provider are:

  1. Monetary Concerns Among Business Leaders: How much is this going to cost us? Whether it’s team time, resources, or re-vetting fees etc. 
  2. Technical Concerns Among PM/Eng: How long is this going to take? How many team members will I need to dedicate to this? And will our customers experience any downtime/disruptions? 
  3. Compliance Concerns Among CS/CX: If we're having trouble with Provider #1, how can we be sure Provider #2 will offer superior support so we don't have the same issues with supporting our customers?
  4. Provider Assurance Causing Doubts On All Teams: Our issues have been escalated with our current provider and they assure us that the issues will be resolved shortly. Should we hold off and see what happens? 

But the reality is, if you’re contemplating a switch, you’re already dealing with an issue. The question is, do you want to keep your head down on your current problem, or navigate a few steps to find a better solution for the long run?

Resolutions to those questions include: 

  1. If you’re struggling with your current provider, odds are you are already wasting team time & resources without proper support on 10DLC, not to mention paying re-vetting fees each time you resubmit a customer’s rejected Campaign. 
    1. Cost tip: Whether you’re paying a re-vet fee to resubmit a rejected Campaign or you’re paying the re-vet fee to switch providers – it’s the same cost. Rejections are a recurring cost vs. selecting a provider who will give you proper guidance to get approved the first time around is a 1-time fee. Telgorithm has a 95% first time campaign approval rate. 
  2. Many provider migrations offer seamless solutions to ensure no disruptions during this process. More on this below.
  3. Depending on the provider's level of guidance and relationships with DCAs you can solve your issues, depending on the use case. Disallowed content is a no-go anywhere. Read more about disallowed use cases for A2P here. 
  4. Your issues have been escalated and the provider assures you that your issues will be resolved ASAP. If this has happened more than once, how many chances do you want to give your existing API provider? 'I'm glad I stayed in that bad situation for longer than I should have' - said no one ever.

For example, Textspot, mass text messaging software, struggled with 10DLC registration and slow Campaign approvals on Twilio. Textspot noticed this was affecting their customer experience and made the change before they started to see mass customer churn.

After switching to Telgorithm, they were able to speed up customer onboarding with DCA approvals in 72 hours or less. Thanks to a streamlined migration ensuring zero disruption to ongoing operations and successfully porting of numbers without any downtime—the switch boosted customer satisfaction instantly.

Components of Migrating to a New Messaging API Provider

Now that we’ve highlighted the main concerns, let’s clarify a few misconceptions about this process that may put your mind at ease. 

Integrating with a new provider involves some coding, but with the complexity of A2P 10DLC registration added to the mix, things can get confusing. The good thing is, depending on the messaging API provider, this process can be fully-automated. Understanding the steps of integration and migration will help to clarify misconceptions software providers have with this process.

Let’s use Telgorithm’s API migration process as an example:

  1. Simple Integration Only Requires 1 Eng: Integrating with Telgorithm’s messaging API requires a few lines of code and can be done by one developer in 1-2 days. Plus, our APIs are built on an OpenAPI Generator allowing you to instantly generate a library conforming to whatever codebase you prefer to use for easy integration. Read our integration documentation here.
    1. Typical integration timeline:
      1. Documentation Review: ~3 hours
      2. Console Application Setup: ~3 hours
      3. Product Integration Development: 1 day
  2. Automated Campaign Migration/Creation to Save Team Time: Migrating or creating 10DLC Campaigns without downtime is easy and very straightforward thanks to The Campaign Registry's (TCR) RESTful API. With a few API calls, Campaigns can be migrated from one provider to another or re-created in one payload. No need to do any manual Campaign work in TCR. You can verify this information by reading TCR’s documentation here
    1. A few other misconceptions on this point to clarify below:
      1. It is important to note that whether you prefer to migrate 10DLC Campaigns or re-create new Campaigns, both can be done via the API and you would not have to manually create them in the TCR portal. 
      2. In fact, Campaign migration can only be done via TCR API. This cannot be done in the portal so it’s important for providers like Telgorithm that we give guidance on how to use the API to code it in and create the logic.
      3. Many often think migration or re-creating duplicate Campaigns are either easier or harder. The work involved is actually the same. Either way you use coding to write a payload, flip a switch and instantly the payload will run and create 1000 campaigns at once. The time it takes to run a logic for migrating or re-creating will take identical time. 
      4. Lastly, Campaign migration using TCR’s API can be tested in small batches to ensure migration confidence. 
  3. Automated Number Porting to Prevent Disruptions: If you’re looking to purchase new numbers, you can do that after integration is complete. If you want to port existing phone numbers, Telgorithm’s Automated Number Porting feature enables you to port active or existing numbers from your previous provider to Telgorithm in bulk at no additional cost. No manual porting/LOAs required by your team and receive real-time updates on porting status through our Carrier-level API to avoid customer disruptions. 
    1. Number porting can be set up/ completed in 5 minutes by a developer. Review number porting documentation here

All in all this process can be completed in 2 weeks and does not require a lot of manual effort from teams as everything is completed automatically via an API call.  

Biggest API Migration Misconceptions

With most if not all integration and migration processes automated via API calls, there are still many misconceptions that remain in the industry:

  1. “If I migrate or re-create my 10DLC Campaigns to switch from one provider to another, someone on my team is going to have to manually recreate all e.g. 10K Campaigns in TCR” 

This is FALSE. As detailed above, your team can set up TCR’s RESTful API to automate this, no manual work is needed, a payload does all of it for you in one shot. CSPs have the option to migrate or re-create Campaigns, but Resellers will need to re-create Campaigns in order to switch. Either way, this automated process can support 1000s of Campaigns at a time, and is the same effort whether you mitigate or re-create the Campaigns. Telgorithm’s support team providers guidance on TCR tools and how to use them.

  1. “If I just stay with my current provider, although unhappy with service, I wont need to fix my Campaigns that have already been approved in prior years.”

This is FALSE. If you’re sticking with your provider because you're nervous about having to re-approve Campaigns, this will likely happen whether you’re planning to switch providers or not. By the end of 2025, all Direct Connect Aggregators (DCAs) that are responsible for vetting Campaigns will re-vet already previously approved Campaigns to ensure they meet the latest compliance guidelines. What was previously approved two years ago may not pass today so it’s better to get informed and stay ahead of changes vs. playing it safe with your current provider.

  1. “It’s going to be expensive to port my thousands of numbers to a new provider.” 

This is FALSE (on Telgorithm). Telgorithm does not charge customers to port numbers. Our Automated Number Porting technology is 100% free to customers. 

  1. “If my 10DLC Campaigns are fully registered through my current provider, if I migrate to a new provider vs. create a new Campaign my Campaigns will not need to be re-vetted on another provider."

This is (unfortunately) FALSE. But this is if you switch to any new provider, not just a Telgorithm rule. Whether you migrate a Campaign to a new provider or re-create the Campaign with a new provider, it will still need to go through the re-approval process. But if your traffic is clean, allowed use cases and you're struggling to get approved with your current provider currently whether it be from lack of guidance/support or secondary vetting/DCA2 challenges etc., upgrading your partner should help, not hurt your turn up times. 

Plus, at Telgorithm, we have relationships with multiple DCAs so we can avoid secondary vetting/DCA2 and ensure that your Campaigns get sent upstream and approved quickly. We have insight into what each DCA is looking for during the approval process and our first time campaign approval rate is 95%+.

How Telgorithm Guides You to 10DLC Compliance Success

Now that we’ve cleared up the misconceptions, here’s how Telgorithm ensures you are on the path to 10DLC success during a switch:

  1. We review prospective customer’s campaigns prior to making any switches. We provide proactive guidance on Campaigns before they are submitted to DCA so you can be confident your Campaigns will be approved. This helps to avoid any rejections or headaches.
  2. Once Campaigns are looking good/optimized for what DCAs are looking for, then we guide you through the API work needed to migrate or re-create Campaigns. We’ll show you how to use the TCR API and write the code to execute the payload correctly. This way you’ll have confidence in approval before you move anything over.
  3. Interested in switching to Telgorithm for better support? We'll cover the vet fees needed to make the switch!

Trust But Verify Switching Messaging Provider Facts

If you’re struggling with 10DLC registration, Campaign rejections, deliverability issues and more, plus lacking the level of customer support needed to be successful on 10DLC, don’t let the fear of switching hold you back. 

One of our customers, Boulevard, was hesitant to switch due to concerns about downtime. With Telgorithm’s automated solutions and hands-on support, they completed the integration/re-creation of 1000s of Campaigns within a month—without disrupting service—and saved thousands in re-vetting fees, thanks to proper 10DLC registration the first time around. 

We know you’re hearing a ton of A2P 10DLC facts from a ton of sources, so don’t just take our word for it. Telgorithm offers 30-day risk free pay-as-you-go trials where you can integrate and test our product for yourself. Once in, you can purchase new numbers, test inbound and outbound messaging, and access our technical and support teams for any 10DLC questions.

The truth is, if your traffic is truly compliant and you’re implementing the new rules, you shouldn’t be having issues. Book a call with Telgorithm to learn more and if you become a customer within 90 days, we will cover all of the necessary Campaign vetting fees required to make the switch. Terms and conditions may apply.

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