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Blog Post
November 18, 2024

A Guide to Registering Sole Proprietors for A2P 10DLC Messaging

Sole Proprietor Requirements and How Telgorithm Can Help

For small businesses and new entrepreneurs, A2P (Application-to-Person) 10DLC messaging opens up valuable opportunities for professional text communication. However, for sole proprietors (SPs) lacking an EIN or Tax ID, there’s a unique registration process required by The Campaign Registry (TCR).

This guide outlines everything Campaign Service Providers (CSPs) need to know about registering SPs for A2P 10DLC messaging, including verification requirements, rate limits, and reporting standards. Plus, we’ll show how Telgorithm’s technology simplifies this process, helping CSPs keep everything efficient and compliant.

Overview: What is a Sole Proprietor (SP) Use Case?

SPs are small businesses or individuals without an EIN who wish to engage in A2P messaging. By Direct Connect Aggregator (DCA) and TCR standards, an SP can have only one employee, with the owner being considered the employee. Recognizing this unique setup, TCR developed the SP use case, designed to make A2P registration accessible while protecting the integrity of carrier networks.

Key Steps and Requirements for SP Registration

1. One Campaign, One Number

  • SPs can register only one Campaign per Brand, associated with a single phone number. This limitation helps manage traffic and ensures each SP’s messaging remains clear and manageable.

2. Verification Process: Two-Step Validation

  • To register, each SP must undergo a two-step validation:
    • Data Validation: Ensures all submitted information is complete and accurate.
    • OTP Mobile Phone Validation: A one-time password is sent to the SP’s mobile number for confirmation. Only Brands with VERIFIED status—gained after passing both steps—can register Campaigns.
  • Telgorithm’s platform supports CSPs in meeting these requirements by offering built-in data checks and alerts for successful completion of both validation steps.

3. Information Required for Registration

  • The following data is essential for each SP registration:
    • Business Display Name (Brand name)
    • Owner’s First and Last Name
    • Full Address (street, city, state, country)
    • Business and Mobile Phone Numbers (for OTP validation)
    • Email Address (must be unique across registrations)
    • Business Vertical (optional)
    • CSP Unique Reference ID
  • This information must accurately represent the SP, not any associated ISV or CSP.

4. Carrier Rate Limits and Compliance

  • Carrier-specific rate limits apply to SP messaging:
    • T-Mobile: 1,000 messages per day
    • AT&T: 15 messages per minute
  • These limits ensure fair usage and protect the network from overload. CSPs are responsible for enforcing these limits and providing monthly reporting to TCR on message volumes.

Telgorithm’s Smart Queueing technology simplifies rate limit management by automatically tracking and enforcing these limits. It allows CSPs to maximize message delivery speeds without risking dropped messages, helping businesses make the most of their approved rate limits. This technology is a must, especially for SPs.

5. Monthly Reporting Obligations

  • Each CSP must submit a detailed report to TCR by the 7th of each month, showing SP message volume for T-Mobile. Even if no messages were sent, a report indicating zero activity is required. Late reports can lead to suspension of the CSP’s ability to register new SP brands.
  • Telgorithm’s platform includes detailed Carrier logs that simplify reporting, ensuring CSPs meet TCR’s strict reporting deadlines with accurate data.

6. Non-Duplication Rules

  • To prevent abuse, TCR enforces duplication limits:
    • Mobile Number: Can only be associated with up to three SP brands across CSPs.
    • Email Address and Physical Address: Each can link to a maximum of ten SP brands. These thresholds reduce the risk of spam or other issues across the A2P network.

How Telgorithm Supports CSPs with Seamless SP Registration

At Telgorithm, we’re dedicated to helping CSPs manage A2P 10DLC compliance with ease. Our platform offers:

  • Automated Validation: Telgorithm’s API facilitates both data and OTP validation, helping CSPs register SP brands quickly and confidently.
  • Smart Queueing: This unique feature automatically enforces TCR and carrier rate limits in real time, sending messages at the fastest possible speed without exceeding thresholds, ensuring maximum ROI.
  • Time Routing: Perfect for time-sensitive campaigns, this feature lets CSPs control when queued messages send or expire, allowing them to proactively schedule messages for the best possible end user experience.
  • Monthly Report Management: With Telgorithm’s Carrier-specific logs, CSPs can quickly access the necessary data for TCR’s monthly reporting requirements, ensuring compliance without additional burden.

Telgorithm: Your Partner in SP Registration

Navigating SP registration for A2P 10DLC messaging can be complex, but Telgorithm’s technology makes it manageable. Our advanced API and expert support empower CSPs to handle the registration process, monitor rate limits, and generate required reports seamlessly. If you’re ready to simplify SP registration and improve your messaging efficiency, contact our team of experts to learn more.

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