websightsT-Mobile’s Non-Use Fee for A2P 10DLC Campaigns | Telgorithm

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T-Mobile’s Non-Use Fee for A2P 10DLC Campaigns

Written by: Aaron Alter

A2P Solutions, A2P Fees, A2P Messaging

In case you missed it, T-Mobile began enforcing a Non-Use Fee of $250 (USD) for all Inoperable 10DLC Campaigns (formerly known as “Ghost Campaigns'') on Feb. 1, 2023. An Inoperable Campaign is defined as any Campaign with an 'active' status [that is also DCA-approved] on The Campaign Registry (TCR) without at least one long code phone number or number pool associated with it over a rolling 60-day period. 

There was some misinformation around the Non-Use Fee being related to sending A2P messaging traffic to T-Mobile and we want to help clarify that this is not the case. The Non-Use Fee is solely around ‘active’ Campaigns on TCR that do not have at least one long code phone number associated with it. 

Was I Impacted?

This initial rolling 60-day period began on Dec. 1, 2022, which meant that if you created a Campaign on or before that date that is 'active' and does not have at least one long code associated with it, you needed to deactivate the Campaign or add a long code to it before Feb. 1, 2023 in order to avoid the fee. If you already incurred the Non-Use Fee, be sure to either deactivate the ‘active’ Campaign or simply add a long code phone number to it ahead of April 1, 2023 to avoid paying the fee again.

Looking ahead, our team is working on an automated solution to alert you if a Campaign is at risk of becoming Inoperable.  

What To Do Going Forward

Review your ‘active’ Campaigns on TCR and ensure that at least one long code number is associated with it as of Dec. 1, 2022, and any rolling 60 days forward. If you don’t plan on using a Campaign any longer, you can deactivate it instead.

If you have questions about T-Mobile’s Non-Use Fee, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our 10DLC experts to dive in deeper.

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